System Level Analysis
System Level Analysis

DAC is the Army’s source for comprehensive system-level analysis. DAC’s core competencies in cyber resilience, electromagnetic warfare, sustainment, human systems integration, and system performance allow us to support critical Army decision points.

System Performance Data
System Performance Data

DAC characterizes the performance of Army systems, serving as the authoritative source for analyzing, managing, and delivering simulation-ready system performance data.

Analytic Tools
Analytic Tools

Development of credible analytic tools is a key part of DAC’s mission to inform Army transformation and operational decisions. This analytical toolset includes methodologies, models, and simulations designed to enable comprehensive systems-level analyses and provide critical insights for Army Senior Leader decisions.

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The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Analysis Center, also known as DAC, is the premier systems analysis organization for the US Army.  Our mission includes providing state-of-the-art analytical solutions to Senior-Level Army and Department of Defense officials. We do this through objective integrated systems-level Analysis, and the development of Credible Data and Analytic Tools.


The DAC workforce is comprised of over 700 passionate civilians, military and contractors that span across the nation, with our headquarters located in Aberdeen, Maryland.  To join our team would be to join a world-class workforce in state-of-the-art facilities resulting in the production of unparalleled, well communicated analysis products.

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